CES® 2022 Innovation Awards, awarded to BRAVIA Core
Choose up to 5 movies to redeem from hundreds of the latest releases and classic blockbuster movies
New and classic blockbuster movies are here. Use your BRAVIA CORE credits to choose what you want to watch—in up to 4K HDR quality.
استمتع بما يصل إلى عامَين من البث غير المحدود للأفلام
مع BRAVIA CORE، أنت مشترك في مجموعة مذهلة من الأفلام التي يمكنك بثّها متى شئت وبقدر ما تريد، بجودة تصل إلى 4K HDR.

شاهد على Pure Stream™، أعلى جودة صورة أثناء البث
يتضمن تطبيق BRAVIA CORE خاصية Pure Stream™ لبث أفلام HDR بسرعة تصل إلى 80 ميجابت في الثانية، على غرار 4K UHD Blu-ray، على نطاق واسع للمحتوى. ويعني هذا تفاصيل وألوان وتباين أكثر مقارنة بمحتوى البث التقليدي بسرعة 15-25 ميجابت في الثانية.

استمتع بأكبر مجموعة متاحة من أفلام IMAX® Enhanced
تم اعتماد تلفزيون BRAVIA XR مع IMAX® Enhanced بواسطة IMAX وDTS® لتلبيته المعايير الصارمة اللازمة للحصول على أفضل تجربة ممكنة لأفلام IMAX من أفلام BRAVIA CORE. ويُحسّن الوضع المُعايَر بواسطة BRAVIA CORE إعدادات الصورة تلقائيًا عند مشاهدة أفلام IMAX Enhanced.

تعمق في إنشاء أفلامك المفضلة باستخدام Studio Access
هل تريد معرفة الخفايا حول ما حدث خلف الكواليس في أفلامك المفضلة؟ يوفر لك BRAVIA CORE مجموعة من اللقطات الإضافية والمقابلات وغيرها.
استمع من رواد الترفيه حول الإلهام وراء BRAVIA CORE
تعرف على المزيد حول أسباب قدرة تلفزيونات BRAVIA XR على تقديم تجربة ترفيه استثنائية مع BRAVIA CORE.

شاهد أثناء التنقل مع أجهزة XPERIA وفي المنزل مع تلفزيونات BRAVIA
استمتع بتجربة BRAVIA CORE for XPERIA في أي وقت وفي أي مكان باستخدام هاتف ذكي مؤهل من نوع XPERIA
Terms and Conditions
(1) This Promotion begins April 1, 2022 and will end January 23, 2026. This Promotion may be discontinued or extended at any time at Sony’ s discretion. This Promotion is applicable to certain Sony smart TVs and available in Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. The Sony smart TV models eligible for this Promotion (“Eligible TVs”) are A95L, A80L, X95L, X90L, X85L, X80L, X85BL, X81BL, Z9K, A95K, A80K, X95K, X90K, X90BK. (2) Purchase an Eligible TV and register for BRAVIA CORE™ by February 23, 2026 to be eligible for the offers of this Promotion. Subject to these terms and conditions, this Promotion entitles you to claim: i) 10 movie credits for A95L, A80L, X95L, X90L, Z9K and A95K or 5 movie credits for the rest of the Eligible TVs. Each movie credit is sufficient to redeem one movie from a certain selection. The movie credits will expire 12 months from being added to your BRAVIA CORE account, but you may watch the movies redeemed via BRAVIA CORE until February 23, 2028, subject to BRAVIA CORE Terms of Service; and ii) 24 months of BRAVIA CORE Subscription Video-on-Demand for A95L, A80L, X95L, X90L, Z9K and A95K or 12 months for the rest of the Eligible TVs. Subscription period will begin from the time of registration of your BRAVIA CORE account. At the end of the included subscription period your access to the Subscription Video-On-Demand content will cease. (3) You have to sign-up and create an account for BRAVIA CORE on your Eligible TV by February 23, 2026 to access this Promotion. Once you have registered you will receive an account confirmation email and the BRAVIA CORE movie credits and Subscription Video-on-Demand detailed above will automatically be added to your account. To create a BRAVIA CORE account, you must be 21 years of age or older, and accept the promotion terms and conditions, BRAVIA CORE's Terms of Use, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Redemption of this Promotion requires the version of BRAVIA CORE app to be up to date on your Eligible TV. The latest version of the BRAVIA CORE app is available on Google Play Store. (4) Transactions in BRAVIA CORE requires in app credits. It is not possible to make monetary transactions within BRAVIA CORE or to purchase additional credits as part of this Promotion at this time. Available movie titles are subject to change without notice. All titles are offered in the highest available format including Standard Definition, High Definition, 4K, 4K HDR, or 4K IMAX ® Enhanced, availability varies by market and title. IMAX® Enhanced content enables the full IMAX ® Enhanced experience - IMAX® Enhanced titles are available on the IMAX® Enhanced certified TVs only. (5) You may stream on up to 4 Eligible TVs per BRAVIA CORE account at a time. BRAVIA CORE is not available, or may not be supported, in every country and language. Sony reserves the right to make changes to, suspend access to, and/or terminate the BRAVIA CORE platform at any time. BRAVIA CORE features Pure Stream ™ which offers streaming between 30Mbps - 80Mbps. To access Pure Stream™ at 30Mbps, you must have a minimum internet speed of 43Mbps. To access highest quality Pure Stream™ available at 80Mbps you must have a minimum internet speed of 115Mbps. To enjoy 80 Mbps with Pure Stream™ functionality, you need to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) that supports IEEE 802.11 n/ac/ax(*1). BRAVIA CORE is not responsible for network restrictions or available bandwidth. Network service provider restrictions and terms may apply. (6) The offer of this Promotion including movies credits are non-redeemable for cash, non-transferable, and non-combinable with other offers/discounts. Movie credits have no cash or refund value and are not for sale or resale. The offers of this Promotion are subject to change without notice. (7) "SONY", "BRAVIA" and “BRAVIA CORE” are trademark or registered trademark of Sony Group Corporation or its affiliates. Google TV and related logos are trademarks of Google LLC. Google Play Store is a trademark of Google LLC. IMAX ® is a registered trademark of IMAX Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Icons and images are simulated and are for illustrative purposes only. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. All terms are subject to change without prior notice. (*1) Only A95L supports IEEE 802.11ax.
- اختيار نتائج التحديد في تحديث صفحة كاملة.
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